
“DATABARN.NET” pointed you to a boring, blank website for some time, so we have something (marginally) better.


Data Barn fills a niche. Market penetration, advertising, and SEO are foreign terms - they’ll stay that way. Our clients have all ended up in the Barn via word of mouth. We exist for companies and users who are perfect fits, not just anyone who boosts the bottom line.


We’ve helped research other providers - we have recommended other providers. If a customer wants out, we will gladly copy your entire private workload to the nearest USB drive, completely intact and ready to start up on any other virtualized environment. If you are an MSP wondering if we are competition - the answer is usually “no”.


Your resources will be relocated to a bunker of telecommunications, with tried and true methods to maximize uptime, recoverability, and ease of use. Our environment has the benefits of a high density converged infrastructure while retaining the customization and customer-specific tailoring of an in-house server farm.


Rendered primarily by Hunter Morgan, owner of Data Barn, because we believe in minimizing financial overhead and maximize technological headspace. Less marketing gurus, more copper and silicon - and we hope a more transparent relationship with your tech partners.


Maintenance and internal support is subcontracted out as needed, but all requests roll through Hunter’s queue first. We hope to continue growing and introduce some permanent customer-facing individuals in the future, but will always retain the ability to provide direct technical support and keep you from having to explain to a secretary what shade of blue your screen is today.



  • Dell

  • Veeam

  • Starwind

  • Microsoft

  • Atera